This is really a Monday Made It Makeover. It's semi school related. Cause it has to do with my kids school stuff and it stresses me out before and after school. That counts, right? Here are my awesome before pictures. This is real life, people.
This room is a source of major stress for me. And not because I hate doing laundry. I don't hate it. I just don't love it. It's really the right side of the room that makes me crazy. You see those four hooks? I bought that when my older daughter started PreK. She hung her little backpack there and her jacket in the winter. No prob. Fast forward seven years. Two kids, two large backpacks, two dance bags, two swim bags, and jackets in the winter. I honestly don't know how that thing stays on the wall.
I had visions of this loveliness:
**Click on pictures to see original posts**
Well, I did not reach Pinterest perfection. But I am SUPER happy with what we were able to accomplish in just one weekend.

What a difference a weekend makes! We got a new cabinet from Ikea and shelving from the Container Store. Yes, I know the tall part of the cabinet is supposed to go on top. My kitty boy has to have his litter box somewhere. Hence the small cabinet on the bottom. No chandelier, the boob light stayed. Marriage is all about compromise. Apparently one of us knocking our head on a light fixture calls for compromise. My husband put everything up, including the beadboard and hooks. Um, I made the magnet boards and the art. Also, I went to the store and got stuff. Somebody had to do the hard part.
More beauty shots:
Ah, the fabulousness of organization. Some of those baskets are empty. I didn't get my counter, but I was sick of looking at my washer/dryer connection ugliness AND all the stuff that falls behind. This curtains solves the problem.
Need to make a template for putting on handles?
Painter's tape to the rescue!
So now I am one happy Momma. We're just going to ignore the concrete floors that we painted green. Three years ago. They're getting tiled this fall. Really. And I'll probably add a curtain in the window at some point. But for now, I'm completely satisfied. The hooks already have our swim bags hanging from them and await the backpacks and dance bags that will replace them in four short weeks!