Want People to Find Your Blog?

**Leaving a link when you comment on someone else's post
So this is an awesome way for people to visit your site.  Cause, you know, copying and pasting is just really time consuming.

You need html for this.  Don't understand HTML, no biggie.  I don't either.  I do know how to copy other people's stuff, though.

Here's mine:
<a href="http://teachingsuperpower.blogspot.com/">I Teach. What's Your Super Power?</a>

Obviously, you're going to want to put your own address and title in.  Don't change anything else, though!  So my fake blog, Teaching is a Work of Heart, would look like this.

<a href="http://teachingisaworkofheart.blogspot.com/">Teaching is a Work of Heart</a>

Get it?

Now, no way are you going to memorize that little bit of text.  So go to Hey! Paste It, put in your html code, and it will make you a page to bookmark.  Save that page, and you've always got it ready to go.

Wish I was cool enough to have figured it out on my own, but I got these directions from Ladybug's Teacher Files.

**Helping People Find You and a Bonus Tip
People need to be able to find your blog to read it and follow it. Shocking, right? There's one tiny thing you probably haven't done to make this tons easier.
The first thing I do when I see I have a new follower, is to click on that little picture. If they have a blog, I click on the link to head over for a little visit. No link, though, and I can't come see you. Boohoo.

From Blogger, follow these steps:

Or just watch the video.

**I Want to Reply to Your Comment but You Won't Let Me
I love getting comments (what blogger doesn't?) And I love replying to them personally. And easily, cause I'm lazy like that. You're probably making it difficult for bloggers to reply to your comments and YOU DID'T EVEN KNOW IT! Shocking, right?
Well, it's easy to fix. I'm totally stealing these directions from Teaching with Love and Laughter. Because I was a no reply blogger and didn't realize it until I read this post from her. The shame.

1. Get into your blogger dashboard.
2. See that cute little profile picture in your top right corner? There's a drop down arrow next to it. Click it.
3. Click "Blogger Profile"
4. In the top left corner, select "Edit Profile"
5. Make sure the second box "Show My E-mail Address" is checked
6. Under identity, make sure it's the e-mail address you want replies going to.
7. Save Profile.

You're done. I didn't take any pictures cause Lori already did. You can check out her post if you want to see. Together we can rid the world of no reply bloggers! Seriously, I just want to be all thanks, you're so sweet, without having to go through a bunch of steps.  Also, being able to do this has pretty much led to most of my real bloggy friendships.

**Update** Google+ has made this require a few more steps.  Here's a great post from Jenniffier's Sometimes Creative Life on how to get around that Google+ beeswax.
No Reply Blogger with Google+